The Land of RA
A Day Dream by Sarah E. Gibbons
Today I went on an adventure to the Land of RA in the Underworld. The Underworld is place where the sun does not shine but for a few minutes a day and the Land of RA is confined, hot and stifling place. I was on mission to defend the Realm of Refection from the evil and mutated natives, the Abrasion Animals. Know as Abrasionist, they like to pray one the prized material CE416 Delta. Now it is very rare to find fresh CE416 Delta in the Land of Ra, it is quite common on the outskirts of RA, ChemFive. The Abrasionist must be held in check to protect ChemFive and the CE416 Delta.
With my weapons, The Broom of Wonder and The Dust Pan of Glory I began my journey into the Underworld, through ChemFive and into RA. While both of these were very useful they are out-dated and much strength is needed to use them. The Abrasionist had grown quite large due to the Toxins of RA. These toxins, while not overly harmful, will create hallucinations of strange, otherworldly colors when one is subject to long exposure. In addition to the BoW and the DPoG I had the help of Kelvin 3,000 and Ray of Neon. These helped to show the hiding Abrasionist, who seemed to run from these forces that are about as rare as the sun in the Underworld. However, the powers that be revealed not only the mutated Abrasionsit, but also a build up of waist and sludge from other travelers through RA. These travelers must have been exposed to the Toxins of RA for too long and were at this time not thinking clearly.
I began at the heart the land, near the humming clicking power of RA and realized it was hotter then I had been prepared for. With the Hair Tie of Strength and Commitment, I began to move forward with my mission. I worked my way to the outskirts of RA where the sludge of the others had accumulated, much to my displeasure. With my weapons and the Barrel of Disposal in tow, I beat down the Abrasionist and trapped the sludge. It was a long and arduous battle but in the end, with the help of Kelvin 3,000 and Ray of Neon I was able to round up all of the mutant Abrasionist and was victorious. I emerged from the land of RA in the Underworld, hung my weapons in the Weapons Closet and walked through the land of ChemFive past the Stores of CE416 Delta to the safe walls of the Fortified Cave, feeling proud of my battle and knowing I will not need to make a journey to the Land of RA in the Underworld for at least one week.
Today I went on an adventure to the Land of RA in the Underworld. The Underworld is place where the sun does not shine but for a few minutes a day and the Land of RA is confined, hot and stifling place. I was on mission to defend the Realm of Refection from the evil and mutated natives, the Abrasion Animals. Know as Abrasionist, they like to pray one the prized material CE416 Delta. Now it is very rare to find fresh CE416 Delta in the Land of Ra, it is quite common on the outskirts of RA, ChemFive. The Abrasionist must be held in check to protect ChemFive and the CE416 Delta.
With my weapons, The Broom of Wonder and The Dust Pan of Glory I began my journey into the Underworld, through ChemFive and into RA. While both of these were very useful they are out-dated and much strength is needed to use them. The Abrasionist had grown quite large due to the Toxins of RA. These toxins, while not overly harmful, will create hallucinations of strange, otherworldly colors when one is subject to long exposure. In addition to the BoW and the DPoG I had the help of Kelvin 3,000 and Ray of Neon. These helped to show the hiding Abrasionist, who seemed to run from these forces that are about as rare as the sun in the Underworld. However, the powers that be revealed not only the mutated Abrasionsit, but also a build up of waist and sludge from other travelers through RA. These travelers must have been exposed to the Toxins of RA for too long and were at this time not thinking clearly.
I began at the heart the land, near the humming clicking power of RA and realized it was hotter then I had been prepared for. With the Hair Tie of Strength and Commitment, I began to move forward with my mission. I worked my way to the outskirts of RA where the sludge of the others had accumulated, much to my displeasure. With my weapons and the Barrel of Disposal in tow, I beat down the Abrasionist and trapped the sludge. It was a long and arduous battle but in the end, with the help of Kelvin 3,000 and Ray of Neon I was able to round up all of the mutant Abrasionist and was victorious. I emerged from the land of RA in the Underworld, hung my weapons in the Weapons Closet and walked through the land of ChemFive past the Stores of CE416 Delta to the safe walls of the Fortified Cave, feeling proud of my battle and knowing I will not need to make a journey to the Land of RA in the Underworld for at least one week.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
Anonymous, at 4:24 PM
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